Why 365 Reasons to Avoid Gambling

Why 365 Reasons to Avoid Gambling

Gambling can cause you to make some very strange and funny choices in life. Gambling can cause you to put bets that you would not normally put, it can cause you to do things that you would never do normally, it can even cause you to go to extremes with your bets in stunts that you would never consider doing. But, there is one thing that gambling can’t do, and that is cause you to lose money. In fact, there are many ways that you can avoid losing money, and in this article I’m going to share them with you.

365 Reasons to Avoid Gambling

  1. Stakes are too high. – Stakes are set too high, therefore there is less money to go around. You can get into a losing streak that will quickly drive you out of the game. Before you start putting your money at risk, you need to think about the financial aspect of the game.
  2. You don’t have a reliable system. – Forget about following a system, you need to have some personal gut feel. Whenever you feel that you have a great system, or a betting strategy that always works, you need to open it up and start testing it for reliability before you go to a big casino.
  3. Losses are too much. – This might be the one of the most important points. When you lose, you lose really big. It’s tempting to call it a night, or to logging on the next day to make it up, but there is a storm coming and it may not be too late to rebuild your funds.
  4. Attention is difficult. – This might be the one of the most important points for most of the gamblers that are making this trip to Vegas. As much as I am recommending that you stay alert, you might want to take a rest day in between gambling because the things that can blow your carefully built bankroll is just too much to think about all at once.
  5. Sneak preview of the Naga303. – You have never been to a casino. You have never stood in line to get your chance at a life changing amount of money, but you are here now. This is a chance to have fun and make some money. Take a nap or just relax for a while. Then come back and I guarantee you will not be disappointed.
  6. Bring only what you can afford to lose. – I think this point is worth its weight in the gambling world. scrimmage your money with friends with friends, on your credit card with friends, with friends’ credit cards, take it home with friends and family, online with friends and family, and in a final way – gamble with friends and family!! Don’t bring your credit card if you are going to a large casino. Ask friends to join in and loosen up their wallet.
  7. Leave ATM cash behind. – Need to stop? Just stop. You are a seventy five percent dependent article, after all.
  8. Bring only what you can afford to lose. – We know that gambling can ruin lives of people, families and can destroy one’s life entirely. Just remember that if you lose, you lose to a point. And really, is your life so poor that you just want to forget about it? If you want to have fun, come to the casino, but bring enough to pay your rent and purchase food.
  9. Leave your credit cards behind. – We know how tempting it is to add that little bit more to your debt. Just leave your credit cards at home, or at the reception for casino folks.
  10. Party your rear end. – If you are a gambler, you know that nights can be tough. Try putting in a little cash to get you through and relax for a little while. Grab some drinks from the bars, and lose the weight that you gain from your gambling.
  11. Leave all your receipts. – Just take your old tickets and scratch them off. Just throw those fatty paper receipts into the trash.
  12. Don’t quit your job. – If you win enough, someone’s going to come around, and what are your chances of getting another job? Not very good, are they?